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Your Goals Are Our Business
We Listen,
We Recommend,
We Refine,
Then Take Action
Are We Right
Each Other?
Our clients seek to achieve their life goals through careful financial management and actively working to make the world a better place. In a phrase: people who care about people. We want to work with those who are committed to the same goals. Our ideal client is someone whom we would trust with our families, who would feel comfortable asking us over for Thanksgiving dinner.

The Way We Work
Our mission is to provide prudent, analytical investment strategies for a wide variety of investment objectives. We know that every client comes with specific needs. By providing a broad spectrum of professional capabilities, Bellingham Capital tailors solutions to match those needs.
We utilize a wide variety of data and news sources to form and update our Macro Investment Outlook, both geopolitical and economic. This helps us identify both investment opportunities as well as risk and mitigating factors.

Bellingham Capital Proprietary Investment Models
Portfolios are constructed with our highest conviction ideas. We carefully screen and evaluate investments by considering macroeconomic resonance, likelihood for continued success, technical data, and management team skills.

Allocation Model Adjustment
Economic conditions, as we’ve seen, may change rapidly. Amid volatile market conditions, we strive to appropriately rebalance into sectors and industries we think will drive growth, shape consumer behavior, and add value for investors and communities.

Continuous Investment Re-evaluation
The world is ever-changing...and that goes for the world of investing, too. We believe it imprudent to “set and forget”: we openly and regularly discuss whether we should hold, reduce, or increase each investment. New and emerging investment opportunities are analyzed using numerous available data, and we continuously compare current and potential holdings to our macro world view.
About Us
At Bellingham Capital Management, we believe that a team approach to client needs produces the best results. With over 60 years of combined investment industry experience, plus a variety of backgrounds ranging from banking to tech, military to social media, we have proven successful at helping clients prepare for their futures. We meet with our clients in a relaxed, positive environment. It’s fair to say: we love what we do.
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